Self-help books recommended especially

Self-help books recommended for your serenity

Speaking of books recommended for your serenity self-help, I thought these 5 I propose I below are esepcialmente suitable for, from the choice of working on your own personal development, will serve as a practical guide from the work of mindfulness or practice mindfulness.

5 books recommended self-help for your serenity. For you to read and regales happiness


Whenever we talk about books recommended self-help, reference is made to good manuals of both physical and emotional health, so each of these volumes that I recommend, you will ask basic questions to start your practice or if you are already a a seasoned seasoned practitioner, give you new ideas, I’m sure, will not leave you indifferent.

It is true that matches, you see, these self-help books recommended all belong to the Kairos publishing house, but my library is replete with examples of this editorial because I assure you that in your catalog have very good copies.

They are simple books to read, not very bulky and you’re sure to leave a good taste. Of that I’m sure.

I present each of them and the corresponding link if you want to purchase. They will be a great discovery. Clicking on the title of each, you can also access the link of the book in the BiblioMind of Plenacción where you’ll find a more extensive commentary.

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– “A cherry on the balcony. Zen practice in the city “

When we talk about self-help books recommended, we often find books that tell us about genials havens where meditation practice unmolested. However, Laia Montserrat convinces you a beautiful and simple way to show you that in a big city, amid the hustle and bustle, you can practice the noble art of meditation healthy.

Kindle Edition

Paper version


– “Eating attentive. Guide to rediscover a healthy relationship with food. “

Jan Chozen Bays takes you by the hand throughout this book to find a new relationship with food. If you want to learn how to eat healthy, to see food differently and practice mindfulness or mindfulness through feed made with consciousness, this is your book. It comes with an audio CD practices. I assure you that this book will also serve aa that dieting because your best diet will be the new relationship that you have with food.

Kindle Edition


paper version


– “Meditation for Beginners”.

Jack Kornfield, author and doctor of clinical psychology and a seasoned practitioner of meditation shows you in this simple and short libroi a perfect way to start your own meditation practice. On the subject of proper posture, I leave here my other link that I explain as simply sit and meditate properly (learn meditation PROPERLY IN MY HOUSE)


– “Living Well with pain and disease. Mindfulness to free the sufirmiento “.

I’m sure the story of Vidyamala Burch will surprise you. Her with a serious spinal cord injury, did not come down, but resurfaced and learned to live with their chronic from accepting pain, compassion and love, it shows in this book how to achieve a healthy, simple life, cheerful and serene, even with the disease. Whether you are going through a difficult time in your life because of some ailment or illness, as if you are healthy or healthy, but want to learn from someone who will teach a real reason for living consciously, I recommend this issue. A book you’ll like and which you will also learn to practice meditation.

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– “calm and attentive like a frog”

If you have children or you dedicate to education, you should not miss the chance to read this book comes with a CD with audiomeditaciones for you to do with the little ones. Not only for the category and professionalism of its author, Eline Snel, but also the foreword by Christophe André, lose yourself in the theory and practice focused on helping youngsters to find the magic of meditation and practice serenity in a fun way.


I hope these self-help books recommended by me and I’ve been reading, you serve the same that have served me. A life of serenity and happiness deserves to be lived and felt along reading good books. Hope, heart, you are to your liking.

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