Silva method and meditation: 3 to relief stress relaxation techniques

Silva Method: Relaxation Techniques

Do you spend a few minutes a day to relax, to set aside the stress and give your mind and body the rest they need?

The truth is that for most people closest to relax is to stretch a few minutes or off the couch watching TV after a stressful day.

But what really do not know is that it does little to reduce the many harmful effects that poorly controlled stress can cause us.

Remember that we are all exposed to it, and we need him away to return to our natural state of relaxation (read our article “Silva Method: Remove stress to live better” to know more about it and its consequences).

He makes us irritable, mood changes us and interferes with our health .

In addition we are limited to not achieve our goals, proposes a daily full of obstacles to physical and mental level, our metabolism changes and even hampers our social relations.

We need him away to live well, but the truth is that to fight not worth to sit in front of TV: you have to get the body to relax naturally.

And that’s what we teach today in the Silva Method .

How? With 3 simple activities that will not only reduce your daily stress, but will increase your energy and mood.

Ready to know them?

Silva Method and relaxation techniques: find what suits you best

Silva method and meditation: 3 relaxation techniques to relieve stress 3
There are a variety of relaxation techniques that can help you achieve balance in your nervous system by natural relaxation; but that has nothing to do with lying on the couch or sit and watch the TV, it is an active mental process that leaves the relaxed, centered and calm body.

And contrary to what many people think, it’s not difficult! Just like everything else, it requires some practice.

But what it is clear, and after seeing how statistics put stress as the cause of most “our problems” is that our body needs to relax.

In fact, experts recommend relax for at least 15 to 30 minutes every day (30 to 60 minutes if you have higher levels of stress).

One of the most recommended and recommended techniques for that is meditation; It is allowing you to calm the entire flow of thoughts through your mind at high speed while manage to relax every centimeter of your body.

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It is not only very effective, but it has been used for thousands of years and is proven to provide benefits more than 100 short and long term.

There are also complementary to your meditation techniques you can incorporate into your day, and even eat lunch or practice them while traveling by bus.

There are many, are very powerful and actually manage to activate natural relaxation response in your body.

All of them, along with how to reap the full benefits of meditation to give a twist to your life you can find in our advanced course of the Silva Method.

In it you will learn how to use meditation to relax, troubleshoot, activate the potential of your mind and even getting out of bed when you want without using clock (well yes, your natural internal clock).

You’ll also meet other techniques and tools that will help you live better, improve your health, achieve your goals and stress away forever.

If you want to know more about the Silva Method and everything we can do for you, we invite you to read more about us here.

But as we always like to give you free alternatives, then we share 3 financial stress that will help you live more intensely your day leaving aside the annoyances that cause physical and emotional stress.

Relaxation techniques Silva Method 3 activities to relax and ward off stress

These three activities will help you relax your body and your mind, and away from stress that we are all subject.

We recommend that you take a few minutes every day to perform them, and that complementes your meditation session (sign up for our free lessons to access the audio famous Alfa centralization that will help you meditate “automatic”).

Relaxation technique 1: Meditation deep breathing to relieve stress .

Deep breathing is a relaxation technique simple but powerful.

It is easy to learn, you can go almost anywhere and provides a quick way to control stress.

In addition, it can be combined with aromatherapy, crystal therapy or music.

All you need is a few minutes and a place to stretch out.

The key to deep breathing is breathing deeply from the abdomen and take all the fresh air you can to enter your lungs.

Breathing deeply from the abdomen, unlike short breaths, it allows you to inhale more oxygen; and the more oxygen you get, the less tension, anxiety and shortness of breath feel.

Here are some tips to practice deep breathing:

1) Sit comfortably with a straight back.

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2) Put one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach.

3) Breathe through your nose. The hand on your stomach should rise. The hand on your chest should move very little.

4) out through the mouth, pushing as much air as you contract can lie abs. The hand on your stomach should move to exhale, but your other hand should move very little.

5) Continue to breathe through the nose and exhaling through your mouth. Try to breathe enough so you will not see forced to take short breaths.

6) Account lie slowly exhale.

If you find it difficult to breathe from the abdomen while sitting, try to sleep on the floor.

Put a small book on your stomach and try to breathe so that the book rises as you inhale and fall as you exhale.

Relaxation technique 2: Progressive muscle relaxation to relieve stress .

Before practicing progressive muscle relaxation, talk to your doctor if you have a history of muscle spasms, back problems or other serious injury that can be aggravated by muscle tension.

To practice progressive muscle relaxation we recommend you start with your feet and you go up gradually until it reaches the face.

The ideal order would be this: right foot, left foot, right calf, left calf, right thigh, left thigh, hips and buttocks, stomach, chest, back, arm and right hand, left hand and arm, neck and shoulders, face. If you’re a lefty, you can start on the left side, there is no problem in that.

Here are some tips:

1) Loosen your clothing, take off your shoes and get comfortable.

2) Take a few minutes to relax and breathe taking slow, deep breaths.

3) When you’re relaxed and ready to start, focus your attention on the right foot. Take a moment to focus on how you feel.

4) Slowly tense the muscles of your right leg, pushing as hard as you can. Hold for a count of 10.

5) Relax your right foot Focus on the tension up and focus on how your foot feels loose and limp now.

6) remains in that relaxed state for a moment, slow deep breathing.

7) When you’re ready, switch your attention to your left foot. Performs the same sequence of muscle tension and release.

8) Move slowly through your body and relaxes the muscles when walking.

9) Go practicing slowly, do not force your body and try not to tighten the muscles of a different way to that explained.

Relaxation technique 3: Meditation body scan to relieve stress .

The body scanning technique is similar to progressive muscle relaxation except that instead of tensing and relaxing the muscles just have to concentrate on the sensations of every part of your body. Follow these guidelines:

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1) Lie on your back, legs uncrossed and your arms relaxed at your sides, with your eyes open or closed.

Focus on your breathing, allowing your stomach rise as you inhale and fall as you exhale.

Breathe deeply for about two minutes, until they start to feel comfortable and relaxed.

2) Focus on the fingers of your right foot. Observe the sensations while also focus on your breathing.

Imagine that each deep breath flows at your feet. Stay focused in this area for two minutes.

3) Move the focus to the sole of your right foot.

Tune the sensations you feel in that part of your body and imagine that each breath flows into the sole of your foot.

After one or two minutes, moving the focus to your right ankle and repeat. Follow calf, knee, thigh, hip and then repeats the sequence with your left leg.

From there up to the winch through the lower back and abdomen, back and chest and shoulders.

Pay close attention to any area of ​​your body that causes you pain or discomfort.

4) Move the focus to the fingers of your right hand and then up toward the wrist, forearm, elbow, arm and shoulder.

Repeat on your left arm.

Then scroll through the neck and throat, and finally all regions of the face, the back of the head and the top of the head.

Pay close attention to your jaw, chin, lips, tongue, nose, medillas, eyes, forehead, temples and scalp.

Upon reaching the top of your head, let your breath go beyond your body and imagine yourself floating above yourself.

5) After completing the scan of the body, relax a while in silence and stillness, watching how your body feels.

Then open your eyes slowly.

Take a moment to stretch, if necessary.

What did you think these three relaxation exercises?

Spend a few minutes a day to implement them (you can try just one or even go alternating three!) And then tell us what you found.

Even at first telling someone you can go steps aloud as you relax or you can burn them to sound as you begin to practice them.

Share this entry with your friends so that they too can learn to relax naturally; and if you liked this topic pay attention to our blog, because in the next few weeks we’ll be sharing “the second installment”.
