The exploration of consciousness in the East and West. The challenge of wisdom.

Exploration of consciousness in east and west.  The challenge of wisdom.

The exploration of consciousness” Maria Teresa Roman Editorial Kairos


In the exploration of consciousness offered by María Teresa Román you can open a new adventure of wisdom from the hand of a great author full of wisdom.


For those who have a great interest in entering that space of knowledge that takes us a step beyond reality to which we are accustomed, this book is an adventure to a new area of ​​knowledge that I invite you to discover.

Maria Teresa Roman, BA in Psychology, Ph.D. and professor at the UNED and author of several interesting books, opens spaces of knowledge and reflection in this new book where we move beyond our conventional schemes that normally inhabit.


Exploration of consciousness; an adventure of wisdom.


The key text is to see how these universes have gone being treated in the field of the East but also the West and in the shamanistic traditions  and modern science.

Just take a little look at the first page of the prologue you will find appetizing started in this exploration of consciousness that shows the author.

And it is that the East is not just a “fad” that seems to have been installed in the West for some years, but it is a reality of space knowledge that leads us to find a new way of being, of being, doing and having in this new century we inhabit.

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Exploring new areas of knowledge in the exploration of consciousness.


Talk about “what is reality” delve into “the world of dreams”, discover the value of meditation and the universe of awakening, walk through “the shamanic consciousness” discover testimonies of near-death experience (You can find a good book on the subject) and discovering “a new missionthe world” is the adventure of wisdom that presents Maria Teresa in this exploration of consciousness in east and west.

If your interest goes linked to the discovery of transpersonal psychology, you should not miss the opportunity to spend a few hours reading this interesting book.

Discover the exploration of consciousness can be the beginning of a new personal adventure which I am sure you will not regret.



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