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What is power yoga?

What is power yoga? 3

Power yoga is all you need to know

In recent years, it has become more and more popular. Yoga training is held in many studios and fitness clubs, and now, with the development of video technology are possible even at home. But till now people have a question about what it really is.

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What is power yoga? 4


During the practice of power yoga, many teachers use a fixed sequence of asanas (the same as in Ashtanga), while others, as students, conduct their students through a new stream of exercises.

Power yoga comes from Ashtanga

Power yoga became known to the world in the early 90’s and began its journey around the world with the United States. The root of power yoga comes from the old traditional yoga – ashtanga (Sri K. Pattabhi, Joyce).

The most influential contribution to the development of the training was made by students from the United States: Brian Kest (Los Angeles), Bender Birch (New York) and Baron Baptiste (Boston). These yoga masters decided to develop a new concept of yoga, which would become closer and more accessible to people of Western civilization. They used the teachings of their teacher Sri K. Pattabhi Joyce, but created an even more dynamic version of the exercises, containing elements of fitness.

To achieve their goal, they reduced to a minimum pranayama (breathing exercises and techniques), meditation and mantra. Their yoga complex of power yoga exercises has become a learning system for everyone.

Power yoga for men

Power yoga for beginners and confident practitioners takes us on a long journey, the goal of which is self-perception, gives a sense of strength and eliminates the emotional and physical blockage. Movement, as a form of meditation, soothes the spirit and opens the heart.

Vinyasa or the sequence of asanas and respiration

“Movement – breath”, called vinyasa and give the body exceptional lightness and strength. Smooth combined asanas, the alternation of which establishes the rhythm of breathing one by one, another characteristic of these poses. It’s safe to say that an intensive change in vinyasa is a bit of a “dance” that does not get bored and is never boring. Although during practice it is necessary to follow step by step with the teacher, the given rhythm does not allow you to delve into your own “here and now”. Sessions and practices of yoga videos are developed, which you can practice at home.

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Power yoga is available for women

Aesthetics consists in similar movements to the dance, which are closely related to the rhythm of breathing. 

Unlike such forms as classical hatha, vinyasa, great importance is given to smooth transitions between exercises.

Fast and intensive

The term “force” assumes that this form, much more than the other, raises the level of perception of energy and is much more oriented to fitness and consists of dynamic elements.

  1. It is an intense and dynamic session that makes a person sweat well.
  2. Power yoga for weight loss is an intense and dynamic form of burning calories and disabling the emotional reactions of the body.
  3. Power asanas are more than training – it’s a form of art that allows us to re-discover relationships with our own body.

Yoga, which adds energy

In contrast to the fact that the practice of other species gives peace and relaxation (many people think of a bath, aromatic massage and even a dream). After a yogic session of power yoga, a burst of energy is felt, even if you had difficulty. Here the principle works: The more energy is used, the more returns.

Power yoga makes the body and spirit strong

Power yoga exercises are an ideal way to get an excellent appearance, maximum flexibility and durability. It is characterized by the following elements:

  • Exercises are associated with the weight of your body.
  • powerful breathing, which determines the rhythm of training and the duration of one position (usually asana takes no more than 5 breaths);
  • fast and smooth transitions between asanas, similar to the dance;
  • including in the sequence of exercises the movements of pilates and fitness.

Effect from exercises

Increased dynamics of movement accelerates the heart rate and improves blood circulation.

  1. Each asana requires a lot of strength, muscles are strengthened and the body becomes more elastic and elastic.
  2. The need to move from one position to another improves coordination of movements and affects the functionality of movements.
  3. In addition, most asanas of power yoga need to maintain a balance, which helps to strengthen the deep muscles and stabilizes the body.
  4. Regular training increases strength and endurance, promotes weight loss and improves body flexibility.

Power yoga – for whom?

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Power yoga is recommended for people who have some experience in the coaching of classical yoga. It should not be handled by people who have never practiced asanas before, because it will be too difficult to adapt to the rapid pace of training.

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Asana Talasana strengthens the muscles of the whole body

Power yoga is not suitable for those who expect from physical exercises of relaxation after a busy day. It is created for people who love yoga and want in the first place:

  • strengthen the muscles;
  • burn calories;
  • increase endurance;
  • increase the level of coordination.

For men

It works a little differently than for women. The emphasis of the exercises is to strengthen endurance and build muscle mass with the preservation of ease of movement, improve mobility of the joints and increase the plasticity of the body with a simultaneous wellness effect.

What the medicine shows

In recent years, Western medicine has an increased interest in the effects of yoga on the body. Regular training improves the indications for: chronic fatigue, asthma, varicose veins, diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, arthritis.

Power yoga for men increases the potency

Laboratory tests have confirmed that the practice of yoga affects even those body functions that are not subject to will control: body temperature, heart rate, blood pressure, increased lung capacity (especially the tidal volume), body weight and waist circumference, increase resistance to stress, reduce the level of sugar and cholesterol in the blood.

The results of the research laboratory showed that regular sessions of power yoga lead to a general improvement in the health and stability of the whole organism.


  • Initial preparation is required.
  • Before you begin strength training, you need to adjust the specialist in each case.
  • Only an instructor in power yoga can correctly choose the exercises and work with the training of external and internal muscles.
  • It is illogical to start the power exercises, bypassing the initial stages.

Basic training for strength training

Power Yoga Exercises

They form a sculpture of the body, develop strength and stability, and improve mood. Before starting practice, you should perform several exercises to warm up the body.

To become a real pro in power yoga you need:

  1. Increase the level of fitness and endurance.
  2. Perform sophisticated yoga poses with maximum load for a long time.
  3. To begin the ascent to the heights of spiritual development.

Tadasana (position of the mountain)

All kinds of yoga begin with it. Children, old people, pregnant women perform the exercise.

Asana Tadasana - the pose of the mountain

  1. Stand up straight. Feet together.
  2. Tighten the muscles of your hips, straighten your back and lift your chin up.
  3. Hands freely along the body. The palms are turned inwards.
  4. Relax your facial muscles, look straight.
  5. Hold in position for 60-90 seconds.
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Vrishkasana (tree pose)

The pose is useful for children and the elderly. Strengthens the vestibular apparatus, improves the mobility of the joints and facilitates the recovery of the central nervous system.

Vrishkasana - the pose of the tree has several levels of complexity

  1. Get up in Tadasana.
  2. Bend the left leg in the knee and take it to the side.
  3. Grasp the arms of the foot and place it on the right thigh as close to the groin area.
  4. Take a breath. Put your hands in the lock and raise your hands above your head.
  5. Hold in position 60-90 seconds and repeat for the other leg.

Rudrasana (pose of sumo)

The pose strengthens the muscles of the legs.

  1. Put your feet 10-15 cm wider than your shoulders.
  2. Stops unfold in opposite directions.
  3. Place the palms together at the chest level in the eastern greeting (namaste).
  4. Sit down, bending your knees to the right angle. Turn the hips in opposite directions.
  5. Do not let your knees protrude forward.
  6. Hold in position 1-1.5 minutes.

Rudrasana (pose of sumo)


The pose strengthens and trains triceps.

  1. Lay a yoga mat.
  2. Lie on your stomach. Lean on your knees and lift the pelvis 10-12 cm up.
  3. Arms bend at the elbows, set the palms at shoulder level.
  4. Raise the chest from the floor by 7-10 cm. Focus on your knees, socks and palms.
  5. Hold in position for 1-2 minutes.

Ashtanga-namaskaar-asana or greeting to the sun

Vasishthasana (the pose of a wise man)

Strengthens the arms, trunk, legs and wrists. Improves balance and concentration, relieves depression and anxiety. If you have had a wrist injury or carpal tunnel syndrome, you should avoid this position.

  1. Start from the board position.
  2. Transfer the weight of the body to the left arm and the outer edge of the left foot.
  3. A tight foot of the right foot is on the left foot. The toes of the feet are arched upward.
  4. The right arm, bent at the elbow, is free on the right thigh.
  5. Pull your right arm up. Look at the thumb of your right hand and lift your hips from the ground.
  6. Take 3-4 deep breaths and repeat the position on the other side.

You can ease the position by lowering the lower leg to the ground.

Remember that life is simple. Enter into your mind new things and do what you love, do it often. Change in your life what you do not like.

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