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Yoga in Polycystic Ovary

Polycystic ovary syndrome (or polycystic ovaries) represents endocrine (hormonal) disease in which increased and ovaries contain many follicles are rarely ovulate and stop the development, reaching a size of 8-9 mm.
The frequency of this disease in different countries is 15-20% of the population. Often, women are beginning to treat the syndrome after several unsuccessful attempts to become pregnant by resorting to different methods of ovarian stimulation, which leads to premature ovarian failure. It is said that in the world there are more studies confirming the efficacy of yoga in the treatment of this syndrome. Unfortunately, the cure polycystic ovaries completely fails, but the regular practice of yoga promotes remission of the disease.

The symptoms of polycystic ovary

Disruption of the menstrual cycle – the tendency to delay or even complete absence of menstruation (there is even a diagnostic criterion – at least 6 menstrual periods per year).
Lack of ovulation or ovulation is very rare.

Signs of excess androgens – increased growth of unwanted hair (on his upper lip, on the back, around the nipples, lower abdomen, on the inner thighs), acne, greasiness of the skin, loss of hair on the head.

Obesity – it is not very permanent feature.
Only half of the women with this syndrome are overweight. This syndrome can occur in committed thin women.

From what appears polycystic ovary syndrome?

Until now, the answer to this question is no, but there are already clear enough theory, which, although not fully, but can explain why there is a condition.

The main source of female hormones (estrogens) are the ovaries.
Estrogens are produced by follicles during their growth. Around each follicle there is a special “shell” which consists of cells that produce male sex hormones. In other words – the follicle is a factory, and the shell – a warehouse blanks. Male sex hormones enter the follicle and there transformed into female hormones.

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To start the production cycle must first create a sufficient number of blanks.
Getting Started factory – receipt of blanks in the shop and in the ovaries – the beginning of the growth of the follicles is stimulated by androgens, but then it all depends on how you will run the factory itself. It should start to produce a product of the blanks.

When polycystic problem is that the initial process of the accumulation of blanks (androgens during adrenarche) occurs excessively.
I still do not really understand why, but it is assumed that all the fault of insulin and similar substances with him. Insulin – is responsible not only for the level of blood sugar, but it also plays an important role in the growth of the entire body.

When there is a process of active adolescent growth, its activity increased, in particular, it stimulates an increase in androgen production during the early ripening.
So, it is the insulin may be responsible for a number of errors in the process.

His excessive activity not only increases the number of “blanks”, but it also disrupts the work of two of the princes, but very selectively – “first boss” – LH (luteinizing hormone) – it gives excessive powers and does not allow him to stay in the process of creation and storage of workpieces (synthesis of androgen in the ovaries).
The “second boss” – FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) – it covers access to information about what is happening in the factory – ie, FSH begins to be produced in proper quantity, since it reduced sensitivity to stimuli that triggers its production.

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What happens?
Factory filled with blanks that their numbers blocked the production itself – the production of dies, as the second head of the idle, the workpiece does not go into production – the product is not present.

Yoga cure polycystic ovary syndrome?

First, let’s clarify that
yoga does not cure the disease, because it is in most cases curable. However, yoga promotes long-term remission of the syndrome. Thus it is necessary to have patience, because results can be expected no earlier than six months.

The main mechanism of action of yoga is based on the fact that the asanas and
pranayama align hormonal women, reduce the production of insulin in the blood, reduce the level of cortisol (stress hormone). Yoga is gentle on the endocrine organs (thyroid, ovaries, adrenal glands, pituitary and hypothalamus), improving their performance.

In polycystic ovary syndrome in women’s body produces slightly more male sex hormones, particularly testosterone.
His excess inhibits the growth of follicles and normal ovulation. As mentioned above, a significant role in this is insulin. Therefore, a properly selected set of yoga asanas affects not only the sexual organs (uterus and ovaries), but also on the pancreas, which produces excess insulin, thereby reducing insulin resistance and ovarian tissue causing an increase in the production of testosterone in the ovaries.

The complex asanas for the treatment of polycystic ovary


The complex asanas №1

Supta Baddha Konasana improves the functioning of the ovaries and stimulates growth of the endometrium in the uterus, soothes brain activity, decreases the level of cortisol in the blood.

Tadasana calms the brain, aligns the body, is the preparation for the implementation of standing poses.

Uttanasana increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, treats menstrual disorders and other diseases of the female genital organs, improves the function of the pituitary.

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Utthita Trikonasana treats menstrual disorders, improves blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.

Virabhadrasana II improves blood flow to the pelvic organs, removes stagnation in the pelvis.

Shalabhasana improves the pancreas, reduce insulin levels in the blood, liver gently massaging.

Bhudzhangasana reduces the level of cortisol in the blood, fights stress, improves adrenal glands, aligns the level of androgens, reduces the level of insulin in the blood.

Dhanurasana reduces the level of insulin in the blood, massages the liver and adrenal glands.

Marichiasana I improves the liver, reduces hazardous estrogens.

Halasana improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, stimulates liver, reduces hazardous estrogen reduces insulin.

Salamba Sarvangasana improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, liaise ovaries, pituitary, hypothalamus, pituitary activity improves, removes stagnation in the pelvis, relieves stress and fatigue.


The complex asanas №2

Supta Virasana eliminates stagnation in the pelvis, treating ovarian dysfunction, levels menstrual cycle, improves the activity of the pancreas.

Adho Mukha Shvanasana treats hormonal imbalances.

Uttanasana  increases blood flow to the pelvic organs, treats menstrual disorders and other diseases of the female reproductive organs.

Upavishtha Konasana treats menstrual disorders, improves blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.

Setu Bandha Sarvangasana treats menstrual disorders, stimulates the adrenal glands.

Shalabhasana improves the pancreas, reduce insulin levels in the blood, liver gently massaging.

Dhanurasana reduces the level of insulin in the blood, massages the liver and adrenal glands.

Marichiasana I improves the liver, reduces hazardous estrogens.

Halasana improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, stimulates liver, reduces hazardous estrogen reduces insulin.

Viparita Karani improves the functioning of the thyroid gland, liaise ovaries, pituitary, hypothalamus, pituitary activity improves.


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