Yoga postures to sleep better

Lack of sleep and stress is something that has touched almost all of us to a greater or lesser extent. And worse, if not we tackle early can become a vicious circle that prevents us from sleeping as our body really needs.

Much more often than we would like, we have problems sleeping because we are worried and anxious, because we live from one stimulus to another, always looking for things outside, participating in activities, field trips, meetings, unenjoyable; or just getting pulled by emotions or situations that we live at work or within the family. At the same time, the fact of not getting enough sleep makes us get up stressed out the next day, and so we come back to bed in a tense state that prevents us from sleeping well.

Here I leave a testimony of one of my students, who tells us his own experience:

In the yoga classes I’ve received from naylin, I have experienced the benefits of some yoga postures to sleep better . I realized that at the end of this sequence she gave me feel in a state of total relaxation, with calm mind and stress in the body. For this reason, since some time ago, before I go to bed I make these positions very smoothly and so I guarantee adequate rest and sleep I need.

I leave you here so that you too can say goodbye to insomnia, you calm down, you relax and you wake up with a lot of good positive energy the next morning.

But before I remember one very important thing: Breathing can also help to sleep much better. Through it we can release tension and negative emotions, so I invite you to be very aware of breathing in each posture as you practice the last of these 10 points.

These positions the can do at home, so in the evening hours, near the hour of sleep, or just before bedtime.

10 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep

1. Change in easy pose or Sukhasana

The forward is done in this position is also accessible for beginners.
Tilt your body just as far as you can, without forcing it . You can stretch your hands forward or bend and support your head on them. This posture relieves tension and allows the hips to open, creating a general feeling of ease in the body.

Yoga poses for sleeping: Adho Mukha Sukhasana
Yoga poses for sleeping: Adho Mukha Sukhasana

2. Flexion foot forward (Uttanasana)

To perform this posture, stand with width apart hips and bend your torso to the floor, resting his hands on him, if they, or taking elbows with opposite hands feet. In addition to helping relieve headaches and insomnia, posture can also help to reduce stress levels. Bend your knees as needed to relieve any tension in the legs and hips and thus release will start.

Yoga poses for sleeping: Uttanasana
Yoga poses for sleeping: Uttanasana

3. The child (Balasana)

The rest pose for excellence in many kinds of yoga, posture of the child, helps to calm the mind and relieve stress on the body.
Bend the trunk on the legs with arms stretched forward or sides of the body, and rests his forehead on the floor. Take some long deep breaths. Massage on the forehead from left to right relieves stress at the point of the forehead.

Yoga poses for sleeping: Balasana
Yoga poses for sleeping: Balasana

4. The plow (Halasana)

Lie on your back, lift your
legs above your head and then make them touch the floor behind you with his feet. You can put your hands on the back or support them on the ground. This posture improves blood flow and gives us a new vitality in the body. If your feet do not reach the ground nothing happens, you can support the wall, on a chair or keep them in the air. If you can, hold for 1 minute posture.

Yoga poses for sleeping: Halasana
Yoga poses for sleeping: Halasana

5. Legs on the wall (Viparita Karani)

This simple approach, conducted with the help of a wall, is excellent for relaxing at night and for stress relief.
Ideally stay in the position for at least five minutes. When we got the legs, blood can flow back to the heart.

Yoga poses for sleeping: Viparita Karani
Yoga poses for sleeping: Viparita Karani

6. Variation Shoemaker (Supta Baddha Konasana)

This variation of the position of Shoemaker helps the body to
enter sleep mode. Lie on your back – in your bed or on the esterilla- and place your feet together, knees extending to the position of the diamond. If your hips are uncomfortable and posture makes you feel too tense, place a folded blanket or a pillow under each knee. You can also place a block or blanket under your head and under your back. Breathe deeply observing how breathing in and out of your body.

Yoga poses for sleeping: Baddha Konasana - Variation
Yoga poses for sleeping: Baddha Konasana – Variation

7. Easy Twisting of the spine (Supta Matsyendrasana)

This position can easily twist the bed before falling asleep.
Lie on your back and bring your right knee towards the chest and turn on the left side. Extend your right arm and looking to the right, taking several deep breaths and then repeat with the other side. This posture relieves tension along the entire spine, is useful for good digestion and to help remove the accumulated stress during the day.

Yoga poses for sleeping: Supta Matsyendrasana
Yoga poses for sleeping: Supta Matsyendrasana

8. Media twisting of the spine (Ardha Matsyendrasana)

As in the previous position, this mean torsional creates a feeling of relaxation in the body while gently stretches the spine.
Stretching can be implemented both leg bottom, as in the picture, or stretched.

Yoga poses for sleeping: Ardha Matsyendrasana
Yoga poses for sleeping: Ardha Matsyendrasana

9. Corpse Pose (Savasana)

Get your body reaches the standby mode with the simple posture of the body, focusing on the body and breathing, and leaving aside the worries of the day.
Quietly and effortlessly watch your mind and you will become aware of what is causing you stress or anxiety.

Yoga poses for sleeping: Savasana
Yoga poses for sleeping: Savasana

10. alternate breathing technique (Nadi Shodhana or Anuloma Viloma)

sit comfortably on the floor or in a straight chair with his hands on knees and palms up.
Lengthens the spine, close your eyes and allows the mind to focus on the rhythm of breathing. Relaxes any expression of the face, shoulders dropped expiration.

Consciously relax the abdomen and allows the breath flow gently and deeply.

The left hand rests on the left leg with Chin Mudra gesture or Gyan Mudra. Place the fingers of the right hand in Vishnu Mudra position (the index and middle fingers are bent to reposarlos on the palm. The big toe is kept straight and the ring and little fingers slightly curved).

Place your right forearm vertically and attached to the chest position. With his hand on vishnu mudra position, cover your right nostril with your thumb, and inspires normally through the left nostril.

Once you’ve inspired, close the left nostril with the ring finger and pinky. With both nostrils closed, hold the breath without forcing it until the body tells you expire.

Open only the right nostril and slowly expires in the right nostril.
Still exhaling until the lungs are empty air.

Keeping the left nostril closed, and open the right nostril, inhale through the right, filling the lungs with air. It is a quiet inspiration filling the lungs with air.

When finished completely inspiring, top right nostril with your thumb and with both nostrils closed, hold the breath without forcing it until the body tells you expire.

Open the left nostril and slowly expires for her.
Still exhaling until the lungs are empty air.

The expiry on the left side, a full turn of Nadi Shodhana is completed.

After several laps and end the practice when it expires on the left side, to complete the turn, just down the right hand to place it on the thigh with the palm up and fingers well in Chin Mudra or Gyan mudra. Keep silent for several full by both nostrils to feel the effects of breathing breaths.

Breathing technique to sleep better: Nadi Shodhana
Breathing technique to sleep better: Nadi Shodhana

source of this breathing technique:

Hopefully you increase the quality of your sleep and rest you allow yourself a more harmonious life full of happiness and inner peace.

A huge hug for you,



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