You can learn to meditate in a funny way

Learning to meditate in a simple and fun way

If you want to learn to meditate and understand what is that to meditate, you just gave to entering this space from which pretend that those who come to him key, know that meditation is not “leave blank mind” but learn to be in the world differently. And you want to learn to meditate, it’s best you dive into this authentic guide meditation so you can choose the one that best suits you.


Learn to meditate “Meditation for Dummies” by Stephan Bodian in Editorial Granica


Learning to meditate will be an easier thing after learning the differences and similarities between the many different types of meditation in the world. Without a doubt, I recommend the practice of mindfulness or mindfulness because I think it is the best way to be, be and do in this world in which we live and for this I invite you to enroll in the program , 40 of mindfulness practices, but before you open this book by any of its chapters and integrates practice in your daily life .

And it is that learning to meditate in a simple and fun way is now possible and Stephan Bodian, an expert in Asian philosophy, psychotherapist and coach, you leave it clear in this book of the famous collection of the Doubleday publishing house.

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“Meditation for Dummies,” which includes an audio CD with many guided to start with practice meditation, begins to instruct you on what is and is not meditation to continue explaining to you why it is good practice to include meditation in your tasks daily to begin immediately to invite you to practice.

It is true that to learn to meditate, and as the author points at the beginning of the first chapter, just “sit, silent, directs attention inward and focus”. What happens, is that it seems so easy, obviously it is not, since it usually took too long without practicing the noble art of inner silence, and when we tried for the first time put us in an attitude of meditation, our ego refuses and we requires not stop still.

Learning to meditate is to decide every day for the rest of your life, you will have at least 10 minutes of your time to sit and feel. Always, when I invite you to carry it out, come the first barriers and people tell me “I do not have time” to which I reply that if you do not have time, means you’re on the urgency to practice as soon as possible, since if you need 32 hours because not cope with 24 days, it is that you have a serious problem of stress and poor time management.

Learning to meditate is to learn to stop, but stop has nothing to do with inactivity or “wasting time” but as you learn along the pages, stopping occasionally makes you start to have another relationship with your time and reality.

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What if I assure you, as I tell the participants in my workshops is that the practice of meditation is not going to “freak out”, not leaving, not going to see gods or goddesses, you will not end in a cult, you nor forsake you to the contemplative life because of a “hidden brain washing”, but eventually feel that there are other ways of being, being and doing in your daily lives.

“Meditation for Dummies” is one of those guides to use that you can serve a lot when you start learning to meditate in a simple and entertaining way. If you’ve never practiced, or want to focus your practice on a friendlier, I think this is a good and interesting book for you.

And nothing better to begin with a little practice you can start right now. I invite you…

Learning to meditate is now perfectly possible. Do we start ?.

You can watch this video and get into my BricoMindfulness to see more practical clicking on: BRICOMINDFULNESS


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