A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

The Benefits And Contraindications Of Yoga

The benefits and contraindications of Yoga for adults written a lot of articles.
Children’s yoga is given much less attention. However, children’s
Babe yoga . We will try in this article to find all the “pros” and “cons” of yoga for children.

When should I start doing yoga?

The unequivocal answer to this question is no.
British scientists claim that yoga should wait until 11-12 years, so that the child could have consciously and seriously to plunge into the world of yoga. Indian researchers propose to wait for 3 years and boldly give the child to the ashram 18 years, and then, at age 21 from the child get a real yogi. In the United States we created a method called YogaKids – a special method of teaching yoga children. Moreover, this method is not only dedicated to the development of the child’s body, but also to cure special children with congenital severe disease. YogaKids suggests lessons for children from 4 to 7 years old, and at the age of 3-4 years of preparatory classes. YogaKids method as
Surya Namaskar . The main difference is not in the exercise program, and method of delivery – all the asanas given in the form of a game.

Positive aspects of children’s yoga

As with any exercise, yoga – this is a very good way to improve the physical form of the child, to distract him from the computer and other gadgets.
Yoga stimulates the immune system, help to cope with colds. Yoga strengthens the muscles of the spine and helps to eliminate signs of scoliosis.

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However, besides physical development, yoga promotes mental and intellectual development: teaches the child to focus on specific tasks, relax in stressful situations, removes the feeling of anger and frustration – that, in general, is very beneficial to the restless children, as well as the nature of heavy teenagers.

Negative aspects of children’s yoga

However, children’s yoga, as well as any other style, has a number of contraindications.
If you practice yoga is illiterate, the problem can be worse. Therefore, if you bring a child into the world of yoga, who has health problems, it should definitely inform the instructor of yoga. Perhaps your child will need individual practices, taking into account its characteristics of development.

Yoga may seem like kids are not very interesting, because it is a meditative practice.
While the children’s age requires constant movement: running, jumping, etc. In the world of yoga, the child will not find. It is likely that he will lose interest early and may even hate yoga, if the parents insist on attendance against his will.

In addition, it is difficult to find a competent instructor and the right age group.
Since the physiological and psychological development of children is very fast, it is important to know the characteristics of each stage of development, and form groups with Chet these features. In the conditions of small offers children’s yoga in our country, it is difficult to find a group and an instructor who would be perfectly approached the child, and most importantly, “do no harm” to the growing body.

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Therefore, if your child wants to do yoga, and you find a good instructor and the right age group, be sure to bring a child into the world of yoga.
Who knows, maybe he grow new
Iyengar .

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