Attracting Dream Life, The Story of Nairo Quintana |

Attracting Dream Life, The Story of Nairo Quintana | 3

Nairo Alexander Quintana Rojas was born on February 4, 1990 in the municipality of Tunja located in Boyaca, Colombia. In his childhood and adolescence lived in the village (La Concepción) Cómbita the adjoining municipality. From humble parents and dedicated to selling fruit farmers.

When he was born he was diagnosed with “evil of the dead”: the belief that a pregnant woman should not be touched by anyone who had just lost a loved one because the baby could be in danger and that happened to the mother he had nairo when pregnant with him. So they augured an early death Nairo, since it presented since its first days of life severe diarrhea and bleeding. Parents sought several alternative healing, but these seemed in vain, until they came to a person skilled in herbal remedies and native plants was what helped him to regain health.

When he was seven years old, his father suffered a car accident, which caused him a disability. For this reason, it needed the support of their children (including Nairo) in carrying out their duties. So Nairo started working from a young age to contribute to the household economy and went on to become the leader within his family. It was with his father at four in the morning to arm the fruit stall in Moniquirá, among other places.

Being still very young and still without bicycle, she getting paid along with her sister to learn to ride in exchange for the best fruit he could offer. Every day came with his father and his brother train, even in the coldest times. He amused and let your imagination run wild.

At fifteen, already having own bike, he decided to use it for transportation to the school located about 20 kilometers on average. Precisely in those many times was he discovered his skills in cycling, strength and endurance. So when he told his father, he decided to buy a bike better iron.

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From the place of business selling fruit he played pedal to the house, get ready to go to school, go to college and then travel more than 20 kilometers to collect the fruits to be sold and so on (doing all this without complaining).

In 2009 at age 19, debuted in the cycling team “Boyacá is for living”, standing out with excellent climber profile. Director Vicente Belda offered him a contract before he finished his high school. In the stress test that made him did so well that they decided to repeat it believing that it could be a mistake.

During that first year he participated in some European events, highlighting for example, in the mountainous rise to Urkiola, leaving only 36 seconds behind the winner.

In 2010 he went to team “Café de Colombia-Colombia is Passion” and won the Tour de l’Avenir just 20 years old. In 2011 the team reached category which gave them many more opportunities to participate in European competitions including the “World Tour”, world-class maximum.

In 2012, it had a significant signing two-year contract with the telephone company Movistar advance. Later, he participated in the return to Spain, especially excelling in the mountainous stages. As the season finale, he participated in several classic races in Italy.

In 2013, he participated in trials under southern Spain occupying the top positions. In April of the same year he triumphed in around the Basque country. Also, he made its debut in the Tour de France staying within the first positions after several minor falls. Finally, it became second overall and in youth champion in the mountain classification and race. Thus, it turned out to be the best Latin American business in the history of the Tour de France and was elected as the Sportsman of the year.

In 2014, he participated in the Giro d’Italia. At first I had a fall and presented bronchitis. In addition, it required arduous walk three promotions in a difficult climate for the falling snow. Despite all this, he managed to be crowned winner of the Giro.

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After two months without competing, she participated in the Vuelta a Burgos being winning again, which facilitated him one of the favorites in the Tour of Spain. There was occupying the top places, but when he went down on one of the tours, veered off the road and fell. The next day also had another fall in which he broke, then could not continue to compete for the rest of the season.

Within months, he resumed his professional sport continuing with excellent results. When finished return to Spain, he confirmed the renewal of the contract.

In 2016, he returned to participate in the Tour de France being third place and the quota that had to attend the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, was ceded to another cyclist. In August this year he led the return to Spain. He had always dreamed of winning in Lagos de Covadonga and got it. Today, still competing for the team “World Team Movistar”.

What it is stressed more maturity to have the mindset of a leader, cunning to observe what is happening in racing, strength, endurance and energy to achieve the performance you have. It should be remembered that at first the sponsoring company did not trust in his talent, more then realized that behind the shield of his shyness, its small size and its Andean features a strong personality was becoming earn the respect of others. It has also denoted great ability, knowledge, attention and surprisingly competitive.

From very young always showed strong character, he is almost never saw mourn even when her father beat her, but surely that cycling has accumulated anger vented possible (says his sister). also it says it is no longer as shy as before, and speaks, demonstrating mastery of his team and standing internationally. As a leader gives clear and direct instructions. But a few years ago it was not even in his first Tour de France, appeared fearful and even disagreed with the strategy that technical posed, said nothing and did not feel able to express their own ideas.

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It currently has an apartment in the principality of Monaco, has last model cars and driver features, but does not presume it. When it’s winter time in Europe, returns to his hometown to be next to his parents whom he loves and who dedicates his achievements. He loves going to the Alps because he feels an almost mystical connection there and enjoy the natural scenery while training. Retains many of the tastes of his adolescence, value their place of origin humble and keeps his devout faith, therefore, it is in favor of peace and before going to sleep prays. Always looks learn and grow every day.

It is worth mentioning that the long distance that made the home to school and back it fully enjoyed. Both sunny days and cold or rainy days, the journey on his bike represented for him a new adventure in which he challenged himself to win. Get home after school was getting to the longed-for goal, where his parents were suspending for a moment the office of selling fruit to greet him affectionately and put a ruana pointing up as he had won the competition imagined. Today, some of the money earned has invested in the store of their parents and in some dairy cows. Continues to be a dreamer as was a child and meanwhile, revels in his mind other images in which he appears celebrating the championship back to Colombia, which is the country’s biggest race, among other images that refer to New goals.

In short, the life of Nairo Quintana we can extract the teaching that despite the unfavorable situations that arise in our lives, we can keep dreaming and imagining achieving our desires. It is important to bring to light all that potential that sometimes seems to be asleep in the depths of being that with positive visualization, practice, perseverance and passion for what is done to reap the best fruits.

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