The 5 Proven Steps to Improve Self Confidence

To strengthen this important in life as it is self-confidence aspect, you must first ask to what extent show low confidence against yourself, because logically between lower you are, the more work you have to dedicate your self-esteem. You do not necessarily need to go to a test to evaluate you, but you can walk you through what you already know about yourself, observe yourself more and be honest with your own self, which is achieved through reflection.

So, take a few minutes to “examine you” with love and without prejudice, simply accepting what you are today. At that time, guiding you through your intuitive ability or what you feel, naturally you’re going to realize if your self-confidence at least going to “half speed” or if it really is “desquebrajada”, being able to notice if for example, you have presented some of these negative consequences:

  • Maladjustment in the environment or environment in which you find yourself .
  • Constant wasted or rejection of the opportunities that come your way .
  • Imbalance emotional, social and emotional.
  • Job failure and / or academic.
  • Feelings of worthlessness and believing not be able to effectively face the slightest unpleasantness of life.

5 Steps proven to improve self confidenceThese are a few indicators that should “give red alert” in your mind to tell you not to go for the healthy and proper way and therefore we must start thinking differently.

If you deny yourself, if you suppress, if you put yourself in the last place of importance, if you feed and cultivate daily the ideas of “I can not”, “I’m not good enough”, “I need this and that” , etc., you enter into a vicious circle difficult to put the brakes on this attitude. Therefore, I invite you to break this unhealthy chain of low self – confidence. “I think I can not , ” is like saying: “I feel inferior, and therefore, I behave awkwardly getting undesirable results” , therefore, reinforce your belief that you can not, and so the cycle repeats.

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So what you need to start today to improve your self – confidence ? Pay close attention to the next steps, set them up and integrate them into your daily life:

1. A firm and strong will.

Have a real and strong desire to improve confidence in yourself. Willingness means having the intention and willingness to do everything in your power in order to achieve your goal, since acknowledge its importance (self – confidence) as an essential ingredient to bring anyone out to be your life project. Further, this step involves having an open mind to consider making changes in order to improve and detach from old ideas that do not make you well, and you should go no longer growing.

2. Affirmations and visualizations.

Consistent with the above, you need now to make a “cleansing” of words, phrases and comments that you usually tell when you have low self – confidence: “I can not”, “bad always happens to me”, “I knew this nasty was going happen, because it is not the first time “,” I always needed something else to get what I want, “” This is not enough or is not significant “, etc.

 5 Steps To Improve Proven Self Confidence 2

Now instead, you must assert (present tense) and repeat the following phrases, although not yet feel they are true for you: “Yes I can”, ” I count all the potential to achieve my purpose , ” “This and that it I can do wonderfully well “,” I can find all the guidance and guidance you need and at the right time “,” of the mistakes I learn, therefore do not weaken me but me stronger, “” I’m talented / ay I am about to use all my skills , etc.

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Also, it is immensely useful addition to verbalize every day each positive thoughts, recrees your imagination with as much detail as possible : In a moment of silence and calm, close your eyes to visualize mentally carefully as a happy person who enjoys the ability to highly trust your inner power, the power that God has given us all (create a scene where you’re smiling, triumphant and radiant).

3. Consistency with bodily expression.

Express yourself with your body as if he were someone with confidence : walk steadily and safe, move your hands flexibly speaking helping represent these what you say through words, staring into the eyes of the person turns to you, avoid “being stingy” with smiles, however, bríndalas others and yourself in abundance; amplified as appropriate, gestures express feeling surprised, grateful, motivated, satisfied, serene and peaceful.

4. Small actions every day.

Realistically, we will not pretend to improve confidence in ourselves “the overnight” or a “blink of an eye” as if we had the magic wand of desires. Naturally it requires some time through which we go every day and gradually succeeding through actions that are within our reach as:

  • Approach someone unknown and ask him what time it is.
  • Design or build any idea business step by step.
  • Attend a workshop or seminar that involves meeting other people.
  • Give an opinion staff in an online forum.
  • Take the lead at home to take for the day a task that is not yet being used to doing: preparing food, arrange objects and implements, etc., (you can add other actions you can think of in which you take an active part in something).
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After these actions happen to become a habit in your life, you can then be sure that the self-confidence are growing with great success.

5 Steps proven to improve self confidence

5. Repetition, perseverance and patience:

To convert your actions into habits, you must be consistent and patient. Despite the emotional ups and downs that can come to have for whatever reason, or difficulties at some time feel, take the time to reflect, to rest or to accept the imperfection of the results, but that yes, do not stay there, in an unfinished purpose !, brings together all your encouragement and energy to continue back to the goal of improving confidence in yourself.

In reviewing what you were wrong, you can be making adjustments relevant to consider the next time you unwrap getting better, but always giving encouragement and support when best friend.

Remember to live each of your days with intensity and fullness, appreciating your existence and giving thanks for it, and of course, loving unconditionally to the protagonist of this existence: yourself! You are a being with unlimited potential, the masterpiece of God, but to you to believe in you, is that for which you were born, you were born to shine. Without you the world would not be what it is.

A hug,

Elias Berntsson

Source: Sabrina Vallejo

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