Second chakra: Functions and ways to activate it

Learn to harmonize the second chakra

Have you ever wondered why your relationships with others are not going quite right, or why is it so hard to have good ideas?

The answer is the second of our energy centers; and that of the seven major chakras, he is responsible for our emotional life, the life force and creativity.

It is related to desire, karma, emotions, pleasure, sexuality and sensuality, intimacy, social life, jealousy and romantic love. But it is also in charge of change and movement.

Its name means “sweetness”, also known as Svadhisthana , Sacral or Spleen chakra is located two fingers below the navel, and governs the sacral area, genitals, hips and lower back.

Its element is water, orange color and is represented as a lotus flower with six petals containing inside a red moon inside a white circle.

Its musical note is Re, your sense of taste is the mantra is Vam and.

The second chakra it is known as “sacred” and its activation stimulates creativity, sensuality and relationships.

Want to know if you need to activate it and how? You’re just one step to find the answers.



How to tell if you need to harmonize the second chakra

Besides everything we’ve told you, splenic chakra is indicating sexual maturity, which is related to family ties passionate, and showing creativity.

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Only the first chakra, the physical energy and the will to live, is below Svadhisthana , and the truth is that they are related in more than one aspect.

Do you often feel fear of change, frustration, anxiety, excessive sensitivity or fear? If so, you need to harmonize the second chakra.

Also you must do if you suffer chronic pain in the lower back, if you have urinary problems, suffer impotence or frigidity, difficulty feeling and expressing emotions, excessive self-control or feel shame.

But not all. Self-absorption, insecurity, low self-esteem, boredom and decreased libido also show a second chakra in harmony with the universe.

But when the sacral chakra is functioning properly harmonized and manifests desire, pleasure, balanced sexuality, creativity, ethics and honor in relationships.

And not only that: extroversion, security against relationships, enthusiasm for life, sexual satisfaction and creativity begin to form part of your day.

Ways to activate the second chakra

To activate the second chakra, you can do this in several ways: meditation, reiki, yoga, gem therapy or aromatherapy are just some of them.

Choose the one that works best for you and feel the benefits of letting the energy flow ????

– Meditation. Experts agree it: meditation is a key factor for a much more harmonious and happy life.

That’s why we practice regularly will not only make your chakras begin to be in harmony but you will experience much more relaxed and at peace with yourself while your challenges become much more achievable.

Did you know that to begin to harmonize your chakras enough with 15 to 30 minutes of daily meditation in Alpha state? You can learn to meditate on Alpha and turn around your life by signing up for our free course “You borderless” .

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More than 90,000 people have already used the benefits of meditating on Alfa to become more creative, more aware of their decisions, to develop your intuition … and ultimately to turn around their lives. Access the free lessons Silva Method HERE.

– Music Therapy. Fluid rhythms, folk dances and dancing couple are an effective way to activate the second chakra through sounds.

Also suitable music that awakens joy or any music that brings out your feelings.

To calm and harmonize, you can hear sounds of nature, like the chirping of birds or the murmur of water either waterfalls, rain, splashing or rivers.

– Reiki. Reiki is one of the techniques used to harmonize the chakras. You can read more about it in our article “The reiki and chakra balancing” .

– Cromoterapia. Orange clarified activates the second chakra. This color conveys a renewed energy and releases emotional patterns numb.
It also promotes self – esteem and joy awakened by the sensory pleasure.

– Yoga. The jack position is ideal for activating the second chakra through yoga.
It consists of standing or fours taking a deep breath as we encorvamos. Once this is done, we exhale lifting the torso and head to stretch.

Another ideal exercise would by sitting on the floor and bending both legs until the soles of the feet are touching.
Then bend your torso toward them and grab the foot with both hands.
Breathe quietly and hold far as you can and as long as you can.

– Gemoterapia. Carnelian or moonstone are two of the gems can be used to activate the second chakra.
Help you to live first, it promotes concentration and active creativity; while the moonstone connects you with your sensitive and receptive side, in addition to absorbing fears and harmonize the emotional balance.

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– Aromatherapy. The ylang-ylang has a relaxing effect while you open to more subtle sensory sensations. And thanks to her sweet scent conveys a sense of security from which you’ll never entrust your feelings flow.
Stagnant or excited emotions crawl and dissolve.

With sandalwood, however, you will be focusing more on the binding partner. It also stimulates fantasy and are consistent between thoughts, feelings and actions.

These are just some of the choices you have to make your second chakra is in balance with the rest and enjoy a much more pleasant and happy life.



Do you think you need to activate the second chakra? Which option best fits your needs? Would you be interested to know more about the other chakras?

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