A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga

10 minutes of yoga at home

You have a lot of work? A house a large number of household chores: cleaning, cooking, children, etc.? You find it hard to find time for yourself? Then this article is for you! It will be short, because you have a little time to read it. One day you will realize that you need a […]

How yoga can change relationships with men and not only

The secret of feminine power and women’s radiant energy would have one who practices yoga. How can affect a woman yoga practice and why it is attractive to men? The secret to radiant beauty All the mythical and fabulous beauties in common is that the descriptions of them comes radiance that pervades their whole being, […]

On how to identify a good yoga instructor

Beginners often the question arises, how to find a good yoga instructor or understand whether a qualified instructor, who is engaged in a beginner. When the novice becomes an experienced practitioner, he begins to realize that his body – this is the best instructor and need to listen, first of all, to him. However, this […]

Yoga Tips: How to Facilitate PMS

Most women know firsthand premenstrual syndrome. This article is devoted to these women. The fair sex, who have never encountered this problem, even better about it does not know. Nature of premenstrual syndrome is not fully understood, but some experts associate this syndrome with endocrine disorders. We will not dwell on this account, and better […]

Tips for beginners practicing asanas

The ideal time for the practice of yoga – this early morning. However, for beginners morning – not the best time, because at this time of the day is still inactive muscles. Beginners are recommended to start practice in the afternoon or in the evening, when the muscles are more stretched. Over time, when the […]

Tips for Pranayama for Beginners

Vital functions of our body is accompanied by an endless series of breaths. We make them unconsciously, automatically, day and night, during wakefulness and sleep. This process typically does not require us any attention or any special effort. But, starting to learn breathing exercises – pranayama , we are working not only with the body, […]

yoga for sleep

Sleep easily: yoga tips for insomnia

Stress, nervous tension, obsessions, problems at work and other factors often do not give us a good sleep at night. Not enough sleep, we go to work in a depressed mood, accumulate negative energy throughout the day, as a result, can not sleep again. Thus, a vicious cycle from which escape is difficult. At the […]

Yoga tips: how to continue the practice during the holidays

Summer – time for the holidays. Someone goes to the country, someone has to travel. Yoga centers are temporarily lose their patrons. Nevertheless, the one who loves yoga, continues to deal with it, and during the holidays. Special yoga lovers even go to yoga -tur to combine travel with yoga. However, not all it turns […]

First time on yoga

Sometimes it is difficult to take the first step and, finally, to do yoga. We find a lot of reasons not to start your yoga practice: we are afraid that will not work to perform the asanas, experience that can not cope with the tasks of an instructor, shy of the figure, etc. And when […]