A Site To Learn More About Meditation And Yoga


Khi- yoga – a recreation area of the school of Vietnamese martial arts Tam Qui Khi-kong. Khi-yoga – a unique and multi-faceted, extensive style. In the classroom exercise on flexibility, work with breathing, static and dynamic systems, aimed at strengthening the back, joints and internal organs improvement, development and management of the internal energy (Khi). […]

Yoga will help bring back a healthy back!

Problems with the spine, without exaggeration, can be called a “disease” of the century, along with cancer and AIDS. Once Homo erectus was the person sitting at the computer – there was the root of the problem, the fruits of which are now reaping the many. A sedentary lifestyle, lack of information about how to […]

Yoga – the basis of practice

The main message of this article – to inspire, to let be born conscious movement, first of all in agreement with me. Ambient conditions in this – become secondary; system names, terms – is the external reference points, indicating a certain way to pay attention to what is usually observed in the normal rhythm of […]

Pair yoga (yoga with a partner)

Steam Yoga ( yoga with a partner ) is a type of yoga practice as yoga exercises are performed with the support of a partner. Steam Yoga is close to Thai massage, and paired with a partner of the opposite sex – similar to “steam bath” kind of tantra -yogi aimed at awakening and transformation […]

Universal Yoga

Founder: Andrey Lappa Universal yoga is a style of yoga, which brought together various techniques and knowledge accumulated over a long time the existence of this ancient system of human development. Universal Yoga does not contradict any of the existing directions of yoga today. This style is not bound by the rigid framework and limitations. […]

Boyko School

Founder: Victor Boyko Victor Boyko proven that yoga practice is necessary to comply with the principles set out in its original source – ” Yoga -sutrah” Patanjali : stillness, comfort, relaxation and creating conditions for “stop thinking activity” and – the base – do no harm: the absence of negative feelings as during the occupation […]

5 Asanas of Yoga for Potency

This article presents a small complex of yoga asanas, performing regularly, can improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. 1. Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana Asana increases blood circulation in the pelvic organs, gently stimulates the adrenal glands, which produce the main male hormone. Urdhva Mukha Shvanasana – performance technology 2. Bhudzhangasana Bhudzhangasana influences the hormones of […]

Does a woman need forceful yoga practice?

Practicing yoga has long been known that exercise are not only soft and relaxing, but also very intense. Power postures in yoga are often considered, and even referred to as “male”. Do we need a “weak” sex strong muscles, and how correctly to build a women’s yoga practice? Proper Yoga: Power or slimming? The nature […]

Aero Yoga

Aero Yoga (aerial yoga) or Yoga hammocks – this is a new technique that brings the practice of classical yoga a meter from the floor. The uniqueness of the method consists in the use of the hammock (special web securely attached to the ceiling in the form of swing), which allows to lift the body […]